About American Nuclear Society
The Eastern Washington Section of the American Nuclear Society is dedicated to the advancement of nuclear technologies and providing a stable platform of development for our region. Our main goals consist of connecting professionals in our field and supporting the next generation in nuclear. The ANS-EWS comprises Eastern Washington, Northern Idaho and North-Eastern Oregon scientists, engineers, and friends interested in nuclear science and technology.
The ANS-EWS section provides presentations every other month for members, guests, and the public. Notable experts present topics relevant to nuclear energy development and policies. Social and network events are also scheduled based on the interest of section members. One of ANS-EWS’ most impactful events is The LowDose-2018 Conference, held in Richland, WA
The ANS-EWS Section is always interested in collaborating with other technical societies to promote interest in all fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. We also are interested in learning from our members; please consider sharing your knowledge and enthusiasm with your friends at ANS-EWS. Interested in learning more about ANS-EWS, or have ideas in social events, collaboration opportunities, or any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at ANS-EWS@proton.me